Installing Install for PC users 1. Unzip Render Ready to any directory (example: C:\Projects\) 2. Open Maya 3. Open up the script window 4. copy and paste this line below: source "C:/Projects/RenderReadyDemo/Tools/RenderReady.mel";RenderReady("C:/Projects/RenderReadyDemo"); 5. drag the text to a shelf to create a button
Option #2 I have also included a mel install file that will create a button with the correct line. 1. Unzip Render Ready to any directory (example: C:\Projects\) 2. Open Maya 3. Open up the script window 4. copy and paste this line: source "C:/Projects/RenderReadyDemo/Tools/Install_RR.mel";Install_RR(); 5. It will prompt you where you have unzipped RenderReady. 6. Select the Directory that you unzipped RenderReady.
For Mac users 1. Unzip Render Ready to a directory (example: \Projects\) 2. Open Maya 3. Open up the script window 4. copy and paste this line below: source "/Projects/RenderReadyDemo/Tools/RenderReady_mac.mel";RenderReady("/Projects/RenderReadyDemo"); 5. drag the text to a shelf to create a button
Option #2 1. Unzip Render Ready to any directory (example: /Projects) 2. Open Maya 3. Open up the script window 4. copy and paste this line: source "/Projects/RenderReadyDemo/Tools/Install_RR.mel";Install_RR(); 5. It will prompt you where you have unzipped RenderReady. 6. Select the Directory that you unzipped RenderReady.
*It is best to install to the Root Directory of the Drive that you have Maya installed to*
I know you don't want to hear this, but you shouldn't even try ceabuse that is against the acceptable use policy at your school. They have sites blocked for a reason and trying to bypass their security is called hacking and will get you banned from using any of their computers and probably even suspended or expelled. They can see and track everything you do so you WILL get caught. Not being able to use the computers at all would suck way worse than just using them to view allowed sites wouldn't it?.