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Geosun MEL
2011-06-27, 4:10 AM
Version 1.1.1 installation

to ensure all scenes open smoothly once a light with geoSun-links has been created, the procedures have to be loaded upon Maya startup:

1. create a file "userSetup.mel" in your userhome/Documents/maya2008-x64/scripts folder or edit it if existing.

2. add a line
source "geoSun1.1.1.mel" ;
to the file.

3. copy geoSun1.1.1.mel into the directory above.

Now all procedures necessary to calculate the sun position are available after maya started and a file opened with a geoSun object will work without manually sourcing the script.

Version 1.1.1 usage

1. Create a MR physical sun
2. exectute geoSun() either in the command line input or through a shelf button
3. select the sunShape node in the outliner
4. open the attribute editor and expand "Extra Attributes" where all sun parameters can be accessed

click for larger version

if you delete the sun node and wish to re-create a new geoSun, use the "delete physical sky" button in the MR render prefs first. Otherwise geoSun assumes an already existing setup and will return an error message. Only one geoSun system can exist in a scene.

Version 1.1.1 network rendering
to use geoSun for network / batch rendering, user the -preFrame or -preRender command to load the script before execution of each frame.
Category: Plugins | Added by: kailasweb
Views: 686 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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